

俚语 crypto


Shorthand name for cryptography.
If you need to secure some data, just use crypto.


SOuth FLorida Nugs. good pot.
You got any crypto to smoke bro, all I have is shwag?


Crypto is a short name for cryptocurrency. A cryptocurrency is a digital asset that can be purchased on any cryptocurrency exchange. Many people prefer cryptocurrency exchanges like coinbase.com, kraken.com or rubix.io for purchasing their crypto. Crypto can be used to purchase many goods, rather than original fiat currencies like the US Dollar.
I just used crypto to buy my groceries this morning and I didn't even have to pay any fees.


A prefix that when ascribed to political identities refers to individuals who claim said identities in secret so as not to incur political persecution. The beliefs these individuals hold are usually bigoted and/or socially unaccepted such as with crypto-fascists and crypto-TERFs.
Person 1: I thought Julie was cool but she said something that gave me huge radfem vibes the other day.
Person 2: Yeah, she's a crypto-TERF. You must have caught her mask slipping.


A form of digital currency popularized by the notorious gang of the CRIPS. This currency was created in direct opposition and competition with the "BRYBTO" currency, which is obviously the digital currency of the gang BLOODS.
G #1 : "Yo was Crakin nephew, yo let me hold some Crypto so I can buy some cigs"
G #2: " I gotchu my G, and later we go rob them slobs and take all their Brypto coins"


Crypto is a video game character in a game called Apex Legends. He is the op version of a guy called Bloodhound. He can send out a drone to detect villains around him. His drone has a power called E.M.P were he can break people's sheilds in the game. he came out at season 3
bro have you seen the new crypto character.
THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED: dude i just got a legendary crypto skin as soon as I got 12000 coins to get a new legend.


shorthand for crypto-currencies such as Bitcoin
If my country's next to economically collapse, I'm buying crypto!




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:45:41