An association of members or people who hold and store a majority of their wealth in Crypto and NFT's. They hang out at the most expensive country clubs, art galleries, go on a lot of vacations and often enjoy a lot of cocktails. They are a bunch of goodfella's that also donate crypto and give back to the society. They share a common purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition. The next generation of wealth, the future of society dealing strictly in Crypto and Digital Assets.
Degen 1: Who is that group of people over there with so many NFTs and ETH?
Degen 2: How do you not know? Thats the CryptoCartel!
Cartel Members: !FAMFAM
Degen 2: How do you not know? Thats the CryptoCartel!
Cartel Members: !FAMFAM