

俚语 cryptoecotheocracy


A form of government similar to ecofascism which is run by ecofascists for ecofascists at the exclusion of non watermelons, motivated by quasi-religious Gaia worshipping with the task of preventing an imagined future ecological catastrophe via mandatory human sacrifice, secretly controlled by a green-left oligarch, whilst consistently pretending to the public that it is a reasonable capitalist democracy and that any contrary accusation must be hysterical conspiracy theory.

Signs of cryptoecotheocracy include:
* corporate greenwashing driven by the desire to appear friendly to a cryptoecotheocratic government, whereas an admitted ecotheocracy would see through the greenwashing and make obvious interventions.
* imposing taxes of greenhouse gas emissions based on an unscientific rationale whilst pretending further progress in climate science is either not occurring or not needed.
* government propaganda which glorifies the required sacrifices whilst insisting the "science is settled", whereas an admitted ecotheocracy has no need of science and a democracy has no need of propaganda.
* an officially non-Greens government which in practice cannot pass legislation without Green Left support.

Since the combination of duplicity and scientific ignorance that creates a cryptoecotheocracy cannot be sustained for much more than a decade, a cryptoecotheocracy is likely to rapidly evolve into one of three different political systems: ecotheocracy, democracy, or a Green State.
1. The government of the UK has been a cryptoecotheocracy since the EU took over around May 2003.
"The EU under the influence of its dominant Greens is progressively adopting policies that will trammel its industry and drive its economy into the ground."

2. The government of Australia became a cryptoecotheocracy on 12 Oct 2011.
"I have with me a rather weighty document. It is all of the submissions given to the carbon tax inquiry, but that were knocked back by the carbon tax inquiry. Some 4½ thousand people who sought to have their say were simply ruled as correspondents only."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:01:24