A "Crîsnic" is a masterpiece of god himself, a perfect balance between an ego larger than life itself and full of himself, but with an equal large heart of gold, a soul with the purpose of standing above all ranks, who can shove you into the dirt just to prove you he can, and afterwards pull you back up and help you dust yourself off. So basically he's a "good guy douchebag ", depending on what mood he chooses to be, being able to flip his moods on the snap of a finger. He can adapt to anyone and any scenario, being " flexible like water ", so he's circle of friends can vary between any kinds of individuals, no matter how twisted or pure hearted they are. Truly a controversial individual
What's up with this guy ? I wanna say he's a huge a#$hole, but i simply can't, he's too much of a nice guy, but he's still an arogant prick. He's such a Crîsnic, it gets on my nerves ...