A person that is very cool. She likes to make friends and make people laugh. Aichelle loves to read fanfictions about celebrities that she likes. She likes to play games with friends. Aichelle hates children crying. She also hates seeing her friends sad but doesn't know how to comfort them, that's why she just listens to them. She likes wasting her money on things that she doesn't need as long as it makes her happy. Aichelle is very lazy when it comes to house chores and school but if there's a reward, she makes sure that she does the job well.
Aichelle is very fun to be with.
Joe Aichele
Joe Aichele: is an indecisive piece of..... Toenail clippings. He often whines about someone making a verbal or logical mistake even if they apologize or correct themselves. He is borderline psychotic and will screech and make you uncomfortable if you eat crunchy or "gross" sounding food.
1. "Hey, pass me the strawberries and yarn!"
2. Innocent victim: Normal chewing sounds*
2. Innocent victim: Normal chewing sounds*