Broke people who worship billionaires and dreams of being one while struggling to make ends meet as a result of being exploited by the economic inequality rising out of a broken capitalist system.
Joe: Whats wrong with corporations getting to pay no tax at all? They're contributing jobs.
Me: Basically the people are keeping the government running with their tax dollars while profits extracted off their labour are going to a rich mans bank account. How is this helping the society or you who is on minimum wages?
Joe: the billionaire earned it.
Me: You're just a cuckitalist who takes pleasure in seeing others suffer due to economic inequality.
Me: Basically the people are keeping the government running with their tax dollars while profits extracted off their labour are going to a rich mans bank account. How is this helping the society or you who is on minimum wages?
Joe: the billionaire earned it.
Me: You're just a cuckitalist who takes pleasure in seeing others suffer due to economic inequality.