the unmarried only sister of a cuckold male. Usually also considered a bad bitch where appropriate. A typical cucksister drinks coffee and uses cannabis all the day long. Her common hideouts might be the bookstore, the clothing arena, or the gasoline shop to get incense. Cucksisters tend to sleep past noon and stay up past midnight. Cucksisters usually have no friends, jobs, or relatives except for their cuck brother who barely shows up to anything. Cucksisters are considered next to impossible to breed. Perhaps one of the most notorious traits, cucksisters are rarely child friendly.
Hey, I just heard about this. Cucksister Sue Ellen is 33% likely going to be showing up later to this party we are attending. Should we all leave now so as to avoid having an awkward interaction? Or should we hang around with anticipation so to have another badass time with our unpredictable acquaintance Sue Ellen Barnes. She deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. After all, she is a human being who will probably bring incense imported from India. I'm just glad her sad sack brother Todd Roger Barnes is miles away in Cambridge doing another charity for hungry homeless orphan widows.