

俚语 aig's


Arrogance, Incompetence & Greed, Inc.

The new name given to failed, mega-conglomerate, American Insurance Group, for taking $170 billion in federal bailout money with the right hand and, with the left, doling out $165 million in bonuses to the same execs who ran the company into the ground in the first place.

Now the universally recognized symbol for corporate greed and/or corruption.
For the American public, AIG now stands for "arrogance, incompetence and greed," (credit Rep. Paul Hodes, D-N.H. Mar. 18 2009)


To do an "AIG" on someone is to defraud,bamboozle,bilk,or beguile, others of your real intentions after they have come to your assistance in your time of need.
After been given $170 billion in taxpayer funds in 2008 to help prop up the failing AIG "American International Group, Inc." it gave $165 million in bonuses to employees in 2009.

If you were to take something from someone for stated specific purpose, after they have come to your assistance and use it for any thing other than the stated purpose.


To be had; to be ripped off under the false pretense of financial hardship; to be flim flammed, taken for a fool.
She led me to believe she needed financial help, only to turn around and buy a brand new Prada bag. I was AIGed.


1. A company which is bankrupt, because they gave out too many bonuses. Stands for American International Greed, not Group.

2. A verb describing a greedy person.
1. AIG should really admit that they are greedy.

2. Gee, Craig is an AIG.


The act of binging your own company into the ground, and then asking the government for a bailout, and then using the bailout money to give yourself a big fat bonus.

Almost a synonym for Enroned.
AIG is another ENRON.


Derogatory name for an Manchester United fan. The word is usually capitalised.
eg "Look at that AIG in his new home shirt."


Your name is Paige and you were dumb enough to be on Tik Tok and seen that people were search their names without the first and last letter. But just to let you know you are still dumb, a disappointment, most likely failing , and flat as a board.
Aig is very flat.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 19:45:40