To take up more than one parking space by deliberately or half-assedly parking over one or more parking spot dividing lines.
Often done by swaggering rednecks and narcissistic soccer moms in oversized trucks, and by post-middle-age Hair Club for Men micropenis douchebags in expensive sports cars.
Often done by swaggering rednecks and narcissistic soccer moms in oversized trucks, and by post-middle-age Hair Club for Men micropenis douchebags in expensive sports cars.
Well, I guess I've gotta park way the fuck out in the nosebleed spaces, because this asshole here's enjoying some damn fine cuntparking in these spaces closest to the store.
When it is an absolute cunt to find a car park.
I hate trying to find a park at the MegaShops during christmas, it's a total cuntpark.