

俚语 cup team

Cup team

A mediocre team who are considered so shit by others that they never challenge for the league or mayor European trophies. They focus on the smaller cups as they only have to win 5-6 games to claim the trophy relying on luck and often playing against bigger teams 2nd string.
Cup team = facking pub team

Cannot handle 38 games, facking cup team shithouses

Facking ell bruv, Arsenal’s such a fucking cup team

I wouldn’t worry they’re such a fucking cup team, they’ll shit their pants if they’re top 4 at Christmas

Wenger loves a good cup team

Hate them cup team cunts

Cup Final Team

For many years the Irons of East London have failed miserably to live up to unrealistic expectations they've been set by their pikey caravan dwelling fans. Year after year of failure but still maintain they are bigger than their fiercest rivals Tottenham Hotspur despite having won nothing since 1980. These days the pikey nation only manage to raise their game against North London giants Tottenham Hotspur for 2 games a season...their fans jubilant at every positive result even celebrating draws like they've won the world cup at Wembley....it's just a shame they can't do it to the likes of Watford,Brighton and Newcastle who turn them over with ease. No matter how bad things are a result against their more illustrious North London rivals in N17 will essentially be "their season."Tottenham Hotspur... West Hams cup final team having reached 1 final since 1980.
"West Ham are playing their cup final team at the weekend."

"Obsessed with your cup final team are you"

"Your cup final team are your be all and end all"

"Daddy when will we ever finish above our cup final team again"

"Daddy I want to support our cup final team West Ham are pony I've been in the shadows too long and cant take it anymore"

"It's the tinpot east end pikeys v their cup final team Tottenham Hotspur"




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更新时间:2024/9/19 16:57:37