

俚语 :+)


A face especially notating happiness, personality, and respect... but most importantly positivity (note the plus sign.) You get this from someone, you can be sure they're a Greatt Friend.
There's a thug/nerd hybrid that loves you and his name is Jakouri! :+)


The Google+ version of the smiley face.
You might think it's a ghost town, and that's cool. We have more people to talk about that way :+)


1.Face made popular in Subspace Trench Wars by Heroin Bob

2. The + denotes broken/jewish/italian nose

3. Used for EXTREME happyness or excitement
Zomg that n00b got pwnt! :+)


Emoticon to denote you are a Brexit voting, white, male, gammon...
I voted for a better future but hey, what do I know? I'm just a stupid gammon :+)




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更新时间:2024/9/20 8:16:13