when there is a loud moment of talking, arguing or chaos among a group of people.
The teacher lost control of the class and a huge curfluffle broke out.
When you take curds from a girls fluff and put it in your coffee a nice Curfluffle Coffee
Kelly really, really, really enjoys a fresh cup of Curfluffle Coffee in the morning.
Curfluffled (curl-fuff-led) is another word for confused often used by kids and teens. Most adults won't use this word but it's most said by kids! It's a insteresting word but it's fun to use in class or at work it always makes people laugh (most of the time) Now you know what it is have fun using this word and confusing all your co-workers or friends
" Yo bro today in math I was sooo curfluffled!"
A word used to describe someone with a fluffy, bubbly personality.
Did you hear how excited she was? She's such an adorable Curfluffle! :3