

俚语 aimee's


Aimee is beautiful, kind, fun and funny, even a bit dirty minded at times Aimee is a great friend so u should be so greatful to have an Aimee u can tell Aimee all your Secrets and she won't tell anyone Aimee is shy but outgoing she is an awesome friend so NEVER LET GO OF HER XXX
Aimee is so kind


aimee is a very kind and funny girl. She is kind to everyone but is only close to a few people. If u hurt her she finds it hard to move on and forget about it. If there is something upsetting her you will see it in her eyes. Aimee doesn’t like lots of boys she usually has a crush on one and he likes her back. Aimee is very brave.
person 1: tell me a joke
person 2: ask aimee she’s funny


Aimee is a caring but hyper person, she's always willing to have fun and go a little bit crazy. Aimee will stand by her true friends no matter what but she can be a tiny bit self-centred at times. Aimee is lovely and will be a friend for life if you gain her trust.
"Hey who's that your hanging with? they seem awesome!"
"Yeah they are, her names Aimee!"


The type of girl you meet by chance, and then your life is changed forever. Has gorgeous brown eyes, with hints of gold and darker colors that you feel gaze into your soul when you stare into them. Makes you smile when you're down, also a clinically tested cure for depression. Cuter than a button, while simultaneously being sexier than a child of Hayley Williams and Jonas Armstrong, with all the awesomeness of the child of Chuck Norris and himself. Literally makes everything else seem lackluster in her appearance.

Aimee will change your outlook on life, make you rethink things, and make you happy to just be alive and hers. She's very easy to fall in love with, and you'll need to keep her in your life forever. She makes you forget everyone who came before and know that no one will come after. In short, Aimee is the most amazing person on earth and you'd be lucky to even make her acquaintance.
Aimee's so amazing. I'm in love with her.


a beautiful creation,sassy,sexy and unique.the most openminded,thoughtful,couragous girl you will ever meet,even when shes down ,she will put her own troubles aside to flee to a friend in need!shes honest but brutal,witty and entertaining,reliable and generous,the most friendliest and caring person u could want to know!!at night her alter ego comes out and she likes that sense of danger,acts on impulse and will do anything to reach the extreme ,shes popular and alot of people want to be around her,shes also moralistic and will tell you straight,she treats people how she wants to be treated herself.shes independent and strong minded,and likes to have freedom for fun!but if she falls in love with you,be ready for ur life to change while she takes your mind to diferent places
(fun), (freedom), (sexy), (entertaining), (witty), (unique)(insependent), (danger), (aimee)


Aimee's are generally very inquisitive about the world around them. They tend to be smart and generous but they have a very opinionated minds. Additionally they have a very close knit group of trusted friends. She is the girl that girls want to be and the one every guys wants to be with.
Girl- I wish I was Aimee


A girl that is creative and beautiful. She can be shy at times but once you get to know her you'll see that she can be as open as possible. Others envy her style, her talent. She can be bitchy, she can over react, but she will be there for her friends.
Girl No.1: Oh, that girl is so pretty and talented! Who is she?
Girl No.2: She's Aimee, can't you tell by her style?




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:34:31