

俚语 cute pussy

Cute pussy

A cat or kitten that is slightly adorable, just above normal standard but low enough that someone feels the need to give it such a modernly vulgar nickname.
Person 1: do you wanna see my cute pussy?
P. 2: uh, no thanks...
P. 1: why not, she’s turning two this year!
P. 2: A-are you talking about a cat?
P.1: yeah, she’s my cute pussy.
P.2: please don’t ever say that again.
P.1: why not, P.3 didn’t mind.
P.2: yeah because P.3 is four.
P.4: what did you say about my son?!

cute pussy

The best looking vagina.
Why, that is one cute pussy you have there.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 7:15:32