

俚语 cybercitizens


Definitely the worst online game ever made. Only social rejects of the world could play it for more than a week.

How to play:
Log in. Collect paycheck. Buy traits or put the money in the bank. Log out. Repeat until your citizen gets older and dies.
I'm amazed that about 1000 people still play cybercitizens.

cybercitizen's arrest

(verb). When one self-righteous individual decides to take the law and report someone for what THEY deem as abusive or offensive behavior online, without the person being targeted knowing that they are being reported. Sort of like a Spanish Inquisition, where the accused does not know their accuser. Quite often, anyone can report anyone anonymously on Facebook, or Twitter for saying the word "BOO". It's that scary.
what the heck happened to your Facebook account?

It was suspended.


Well, I must've said something inappropriate like using the "F" bomb, and someone made a cybercitizen's arrest. Fuck my life.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 12:10:42