The leader of a faction of cybermen, a recurring villain from British television series, Dr. Who.
Cyberman: Computer analysis has identified external influence as an ion storm. Similar in size and intensity, should the one which crippled our ship, while we were in hibernation.
Cyberleader: Cyber conversion of the humans must take place as soon as possible. The processes must be completed this time.
Cyberman: yes, Cyberleader. All security scanners have been rendered useless by ion interference.
Excerpt from Dr. Who audio drama, Sword of Orion by Big Finish Production
Cyberleader: Cyber conversion of the humans must take place as soon as possible. The processes must be completed this time.
Cyberman: yes, Cyberleader. All security scanners have been rendered useless by ion interference.
Excerpt from Dr. Who audio drama, Sword of Orion by Big Finish Production