

俚语 dab dick

Dab Dick

When a guy does too many dabs and exceeds his comfortable level of high causing difficulties keeping an erection to perform sexual activity.
Sally: "We did dabs and watched Bob's Burgers last night, but when I tried sucking his dick it was soft as shit?"
Amanda: "Aw, he had dab dick. Poor little guy."

dick dab

When you dab onto a dick repeatedly sucking him off
"I just dabbed like fifty times on Jimmies dick."

"Wait you dick dab too?"

Sherbet Dick Dab

The act of dipping the head of the penis into crystal meth and then having sex straight after.
Gynecologist- "Ma'am, your vaginal walls are covered in lesions. Have you ibserted anything in there recently?"

Woman- "Oh yeah, I asked my boyfriend to give me that sweet sherbet dick dab last night"

Gynecologist- "The, ehr...sherbet dick dab?"

Woman- "Yeah" *shows Urban Dictionary definition*

Gynecologist- "What the fuck"

Dick dabbing

To have The Rankin pull their dick out and hit the dab
I was skyping with james and he stood up and did some dick dabbing




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更新时间:2024/9/20 17:32:17