

俚语 dabove


Like a hangover but caused from taking too many dabs
Woke up the next morning still kinda high, but when it wouldn't go away I realized I had a dabover


Dumb, provincian. Cultivares semillas de trigo for the caballos and camellos
Damn Dabove you are a stupid.
Your Dabove is very dabove


An absent minded, but ultimately good natured friend. Might leave you stranded in a nightclub whilst he wanders off to get a kebab, but would absolutely get you out of a bind.
"Where has Chris gone?"
"Oh, he's probably off being a total Dabov somewhere."


A small, insignificant man. States that he is easily bored. Is, in fact, boring.

Very few skills although a passable gymnast. Makes sure everybody is watching whenever he does anything vaguely interesting. Then brings it up incessantly, thus adding to his boring personality.
He bought one round of drinks and keeps banging on about it like its the peak of human endeavour. Total Dabov.




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