

俚语 dab pen effect

dab pen effect

The absolute buttfuck of your tolerance that occurs when you trade out your trusty devils lettuce in favor of the convenience, potency, and sex-appeal of a dab pen. This is mainly due to the fact that the urge to hit a dab pen once it enters your field of view is roughly seven times stronger than the urge to rub your penis to step-sister porn for five hours after a metric fuck-ton of Adderall.
Yoon: Man, after getting this dab pen I can't even feel weed anymore.
Sam: Maybe you should cut back man, you've been hitting that thing (4)24/7.
Yoon: It's aight, I'll just get another one.
Sam: Be careful bro, you'll get cock-blasted by the dab pen effect

Dab pen effect

When a dab pen is shared at a party and a week later all of your friends get a raging case of covid
“Shit bro you’re sick? It’s the dab pen effect dawg sorry”




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更新时间:2024/9/20 5:07:42