

俚语 ain't this a bitch

Ain't this a bitch

when ur pissed off at something u might say aint this a bitch meaning this sucks shit or this is fucked up.
Mom: Timmy, your little brother took a shit in your bed again.
Timmy: Aw, man! Ain't this a bitch...
Mom: Watch yo damn mouth!!!!!!

ain't that a bitch

another way of saying,"How ironic!"
Dude: Man, I saved up $50,000 for that new plama, only to find out that they don't sell it anymore.

Chick: Ain't that a bitch!

I ain't no bitch!

Utterly useless, insult used in a fight.

Joseph Tinnelly used it to argue with Gordon Ramsay in The Hell's Kitchen
Gordon Ramsay: "unbelievable one simple request who and, why and you make a big song and dance"
Joseph Tinnelly: "I ain't no fucking bitch, Chef. I don't give a fuck! I ain't no bitch!"

ain't my bitch

The same as saying "that's not my problem". Coined from the classic Metallica song off of Load.
Draggin' me down, why you around?
So useless
It ain't my fall, it ain't my call
It ain't my bitch

i ain't no bitch

a common phrase you use to express the fact that you aren't a bitch, pussy, wuss, etc... Commonly used when you want to want to do something you normally wouldn't do on a limb.
guy 1: there's no way in hell im going outside
guy 2: fuck it i ain't no bitch
*goes outside and suffers in the cold, but fuck it at least he ain't a bitch*

I ain't nobody's bitch

You're not someone's bitch, duh
So what , you're their bitch now?

I ain't nobody's bitch

- Daryl Dixon

Ain't no bitch in my blood

A statement declared to affirm one is not afraid of anyone or anything; to be used in the midst of a situation or function (drinking game, dare, fight, etc.)
Bruh, if we swingin' we swingin. Ain't no bitch in my blood!

Man, pass me the bottle. I'll kill this whole thing, shit. Ain't no bitch in my blood.




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更新时间:2024/9/20 15:29:48