

俚语 daddy patties

daddy patties

The butt cheeks of a human male. They can slap together and make a nice bun sound.
Daddy patties can sound like sex. Yum.

Daddy Patty

Daddy Patty is the type of guy to eat crayons and bang your mom all within an hour of each other, all what does is swim in your moms cooter 24/7
Daddy Patty banged my mom last night

Patty Daddy

The dominant, in a sexual realtionship, who holds their partners butt cheeks together while they deficate, thus creating a Butt Burger.
When I'm in the mood for a good Butt Burger, I know I can always count on Braden to be my Patty Daddy.

Patty daddy

Santoses football nick name
Wassup patty daddy

big patty daddy

ur partner whom has a big ass or a hige cock.
ur a big patty daddy kyle.




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更新时间:2024/9/19 23:33:34