

俚语 daddy sauce

Daddy Sauce

A word used when describing something delightful, specifically a large bong rip.
While watching Jesus take a massive hit from the 4 foot bong, Hitler asked, "Is that, or is it not the motha fuckin daddy sauce?"

daddy's sauce

A tasty condiment for a lady's meaty filling of choice. Traditionally served with firm bottom slapping and heavy grunting though some favour vigorous shaking instead.
Gordon the waiter: Here's you breakfast, madam
Attractive lady: Thank you
Gordon the waiter (lecherously): Do you want Daddy's sauce with that?

daddys sauce

from the daddy's sauce advert
you are getting daddies sauce tonight love.

sauce daddy

The ultimate man; only man who you won't want to pull out.
Girl 1: OMG I would let him be my sauce daddy!

Girl 2: Oh any girl would!

Daddy’s special sauce

Sperm which comes out of a daddy’s dick
Oh yesssss, give me some of that daddy’s special sauce

daddy's secret sauce

A mixture of mayo, honey mustard, and fermented horse semen. Often used to on McDonald's burgers and high end lube.
Dude!! Jacking off last night was so great! I used Daddy's secret sauce to lube it up!!!

Sauce Daddy

A young charming, sweet, handsome, stylish, funny, boy.

Synonyms- Sauce the Great
Look at sauce daddy




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