Present participle of the verb "to dad".
1. To care for offspring in a very dad sort of way. Often, but not always, accomplished with beer, tv, and half-truths.
1. To care for offspring in a very dad sort of way. Often, but not always, accomplished with beer, tv, and half-truths.
Successful dading involves the child being whole and unmarked, clean, fed, in diaper, pajamas, and napping by the time the partner makes a return.
The most Unique, Different guy you will ever meet. He's kinda crazy, however he keeps that to himself. He's a real nice guy, until you get on his bad side. Once you do that He's an absolute menace. A great friend that will always have you back. He's a Vegas resident, and loves taking risks. Girls go crazy for him but they hate to admit it because of his always positive, slightly cocky attitude. He only surrounds himself with people that respect him and he himself respects, and are always positive just like him. He's also AMAZING in bed, so he constantly has one-nighters coming back to him.
Omg, that guy is so hot, he's a total dade.
A county in Florida. Referenced in multiple songs, "It's going down in Dade" for instance.
It's going down in Dade
The most amazing guy you could be friends with. He has the best sense of humor and can bring you happiness even in the worst of times. You will never meet another guy like Dade. He is sweet, amazing, funny, and adorable. He can be awkward at times but can always put that smile on your face. He is also very cute and sensitive. But he is still all around great. If you ever meet a Dade make sure you keep him by your side, he will never let you down.
"That guy is so sweet and funny!"
"Oh, he must be a Dade!"
"Oh, he must be a Dade!"
The guy who has more hoes than a farmers market.
Person:Hey Dade your girlfriends calling you.
Dade:Which one?
Dade:Which one?
a county in florida, and a badass guys name.
it makes the dade angry.
The hottest ginger ever.
random person#1: omg is that dade?
other random#2: who the hottest ginger ever?
random person#1: yes!
other random#2: who the hottest ginger ever?
random person#1: yes!