

俚语 daffy duck's

Daffy Duck

Donald Duck's black cousin
While Disney has Donald for their duck character, Warner Bros. decided to make a cousin for him, and thus Daffy Duck was born.

Daffy Ducking

Going totally out of control, hitting every button, flipping every switch, twisting every knob, but never the right one, all at once! Untill the crash. Like Daffy Duck in panic mode.
How Daffy Duck acts while in a panic mode. Looking like your Daffy Ducking the operation.

Daffy Ducked

When one is arguing with another person and switches what they say so the other one will agree.
Craig: "YES!"
Alli: "NO!"
Craig: "No."
Alli: "YES!"
Craig: "thanks for agreeing with me."
Alli: "Hey, You just Daffy Ducked Me!!!!"

Daffy Duck

A massive troll who somehow turned into a massive punching bag overnight.
Daffy Duck in the 1940's: Screws with people just because he can and gets away with it.

Daffy Duck in the 1950's: Can't go a single episode without anything bad happening to him. (He deserves it.)

daffy duck

cockney rhyming slang for fuck
alright darlin' fancy a daffy?!

Daffy Duck

A slang term for someone who looks dapper-as-fuck
There goes Daffy Duck.

Daffy Duck just walked in.

Why, Hello Mr. Duck!

daffy duck

when you put fart goo into a womans vagina, superglue feathers to your penis and fuck her, which will sound like a duck quacking
dude i totaly daffy ducked my girlfriend yesterday" "dude what the fuck




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