

俚语 daisy chained

daisy chained

when two guys suck ass while a third head for the hole
hey zach mason suck my ass

Zach Mason( in a room with 2 guys): Hey lets start a daisy chained

daisy chaining

When large numbers of people engage in oral sex in alternating face up/face down positions forming a circular group of people. An individual engaged in daisy chaining will be giving oral sex to one person while receiving oral pleasure from a different person (at the same time). Probably referring to a ring of intertwined bosies having a similar shape and arrangement to a flower arrangement used as a tiara.
"We had, like, 20 people in our daisy chain last night."

daisy chain

Often found in porn, a phenomenon where multiple female participants perform cunnilingus on each other in a circular formation, permitting each participant to both give and recieve oral sex simultaneously.
Those sorority girls often daisy chain on the weekends for cash.

Daisy Chain

Partner (A) is sucking off or eating out partner (B) who is sucking off or eating out partner (C) and so on until the final person is sucking off or eating out partner (A). Partners can be gay, lesbian or straight.
"The Daisy chain is a favorite party game at large orgies."

daisy chain

1. Sexual position involving multiple partners. One partner is pleasuring another, usually orally; the second is pleasing a third, and so on. Usually applied to homosexual males having a "chain" of oral sex.
2. The process of attaching computer cables in sequence to create a longer cable distance.
1. You know when those guys get together, they just have one big daisy chain.
2. I need more parallel cables so I can create a daisy chain to connect my computer to the printer in the other room.


Several(3 or more) chicks laying pussy to head forming a chain(I.E chick A puts tounges chick B's pussy while Chick B tounges Chick C's pussy Ect. until the last chick in the chain tounges chick A's pussy)
dude that daisy chain was 20 chicks long!

daisy chain

n flower chain consisting of a string of daisies linked by their stems;

v connect devices on a part of a chip or circuit board in a computer
She wore a daisy chain around her neck on the last day of school.




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