

俚语 damianna


She loves so many people and yet has not much trust she will hide a lot of things from you in her personal life to be strong .She gets along almost everyone if you were to talk down to her she would probaly strike back with an even worse bite.And could probaly hurt you more than anyone in the world.She is such a fun person to be around she can pick you up when you fall in any situation.She has some of the best advice all around.Whenever itcomes any problem. she is the one person to go to.Also she tends to obsevere situations and learns a lot from them. She can be very rebellious if she wants. If anyone tells her what is wrong with her she usually doesn't forgot and holds onto it for a long time.She always has the greatest smile.But deep down has a lot of problems and will act as if everything is fine.In a relationship she is the most loyal and honest person you will ever meet she cares for you deeply and wouldn't hurt you she will not give up on you so easily.She doesnt like to be lied to.She doesnt like ask for help with anything she tends to think she can do things on her own even if she gets it wrong.She would probaly pursue her own career ,she love nature and could probaly be a photographer she has the skills for it.All around Damianna is a great person and you should always be their for her because she will need you and she is very strong and all around a funny person.She is so beautiful and can make almost any guy fall for her.She usually has dark brown eyes
Damianna is so pretty and i lovw her so much i would never betray her she is always their for me.




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:26:32