

俚语 dankee


pot,weed,bud,dank. Another slang for marijuana.
lets go smoke some dankee.


Someone who always comments "dank" on every damn meme they see. Usually a 12 year old, chubby white male. Can be seen with DSitis, a common condition where a Nintendo 3DS is permanently stuck to someone's hands.
*Pyrocynical uploads Shrek Has Swag Part 2*
Dankee: *comments "dank"*
*PewDiePie uploads montage parody*
Dankee: *comments "dank"*

Joey: hey man, did you hear pyrocynical finally uploaded Shrek Has Swag 2?
Said man: yeah dude, this kid was commenting "dank" all over the place.
Joey: bruhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

yankee dankee doodle shyte

An utterly useless person
Fuck off you fat useless sack of fucking yankee dankee doodle shyte

yankee dankee doodle shyte

An completely useless person
Fuck off you fat useless sack of fucking yankee dankee doodle shyte

Yankee Dankee Doodle shit

This phrase is often used for when you're irritated at someone. However, this phrase could also be used in a positive way depending on the circumstance. This is a famous phrase and has been used by a legend (Gordon Ramsey).
example 1: Stop it amreen you're getting on my 'Yankee Dankee Doodle shit'
example2: What a lovely day, it must be a 'Yankee dankee doodle' day




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