Dannycristian's are usually from Equador near the coast. They are muscular men and have the most precious eyes. They are masters at seduction and they know it.! They are talented and creative with a somewhat Artistic temperament. They are most often heard singing, they are musicians and sing from their heart. They have huge warm hearts and make excellent Fathers. They can be stubborn but are aware of it and they try to fight this aspect of themselves. They are premiscious and love attention from females. They are the ultimate ladies man. Dannycristian's will steal your heart forever! They usually have a special connection with the earth, they are intuitive. They make excellent lovers. They are protecters and proud men. If you have had the pleasure of meeting a Dannycristian, you'll never forget him. They dislike selfish or greedy people, in fact they are allergic to bullshit. They are elegant and stylish.
Dannycristian' are flamboyant