

俚语 daraawiish


The term Daraawiish is synonymous with Dhulbahante because:

*The Sayyid had 75% Dhulbahante DNA, 3 of his grandparents were Dhulbahante
*The Sayyids poem The Parching Heat of the Wind affirms Dhulbahante as the backbone of Darwiish "Ragga diinta hooyga u noqdiyo, hanad Shirshoore leh" meaning "The men who've become refuge to the faith, dignity belongs to the descendants of the House of Garaad Shirshoore".

* Dhulbahante were the only clan that had its population decimated for being Darwiish, resulting in a permanent diminution of their demographics
* The vast majority of the Qusuusi were Dhulbahante
* The vast majority of the Maaraweyn (Darwiish army) were Dhulbahante, with some Dubais/Dubeys, Garabsare, Bahidoor (Warsangeli), Bahgeri, Reer Warfa (MX), Aden Madobe (HJ), Reer Khalaf (MJ).
* Its supreme commander that led the elite Shiikhyaale was Ismail Mire, a Dhulbahante
* Its state religion (Salihiya/Urwayniya) preexisted among the Dhulbahante
* Darwiish had 4 capitals; all were located in Dhulbahante lands: Buuhoodle (Qoob Fardood) (1896-1899), Lassader (1900-1904), Halin (1909), Taleh (1910-1920), settled by the Axmed Garaad, Barkad/Guleed, Bah Nugaaleed and Samakab subclans of Dhulbahante respectively.
* Reer-beede, i.e. the largely unarmed Darwiish civilians who were subjected collective punishment via confiscation of private goods were exclusively Dhulbahante.
Daraawiish and Dhulbahante is the same thing

beesha daraawiish

Beesha Darwiish is a nickname of the Dhulbahante, because all 5 (war-time) capitals of the Darwiish were in Dhulbahante territory, i.e. Buuhoodle-Qoob-Fardood (1896 to 1900), Las Celberdaale/Weylahed (1901), Lassader (1902 - 1904), Halin (1908-1909), Taleh (1910-1920)
She's of beesha daraawiish

reer Daraawiish

An epithet given to members of the Dhulbahante tribe, particularly the Axmed Garaad and Bah Nugaaleed branches, owing to the fact that they constituted the majority of the Maaraweyn and the Qusuusi; and because the Darwiish was a direct successor state to the Dhulbahante Garaadship (1550-1900)
She got married to a reer Daraawiish

bulshada daraawiish

the bulshada daraawiish is an ancient name of the Dhulbahante folks
where are my bulshada daraawiish at?


A member of the Dhulbahante clan, named so as all 5 (war-time) capitals of the Darwiish were in Dhulbahante territory, i.e. Buuhoodle-Qoob-Fardood (1896 to 1900), Las Celberdaale/Weylahed (1901), Lassader (1902 - 1904), Halin (1908-1909), Taleh (1910-1920); home to the Axmed Garaad; Ebiraar, Hinjiile and Ugaasyada; Barkad Farah Garaad, and Nur Axmed - Samakab - Ugaadhyahan.
she descends from ahlu-daraawiish

dhulkii daraawiish

dhulka daraawiish is the region of khaatumo
they in dhulkii daraawiish




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