

俚语 das butt

Das Butt

"Das Butt" is used in episode 67 of The Simpsons to describe a pornographic movie. The title of the movie is making reference to "Das Boot," a famous German submarine movie from 1981.
Hey, did you see Das Butt?

in da butt

an expression used to express the act of getting screwed over. or a term used to descibe girls who like getting fucked in the ass after "going on break" with their boyfriend
John:Damn, I lost my I-pod. I just got it too.

Nate:Yo, you heard bout that chick kaitlyn?
Matt: yeah i heard bout her. in da butt.

das butt

used primarily in Wales, refers to a guy that thinks he is very good at everything but in reality is average at best. Constantly trying to show off and often exagerates/creates stories. Can also be used to refer to someone who thinks they are a lot 'cooler' than they are.
"I'm really good on the guitar, my band supported the Foo Fighters" "Shut up Das Butt"

"He claims to be a fantastic cricketer, but he's a Das Butt"

"I was the coolest guy in my school" "yeah right Das Butt you used to get bullied all the time!"

in da butt

The way homo, ball on ball, but loving ass mongers like it... kiddy style... erahhh PENIS! BACKDOOR PENETRATION
Man, senora must really like it in da butt! She was such a douche bag today

up da butt

Pushing da thing up butt
He up da butt me.

P in da Butt

To insert your penis into a womans anal cavity. In other words, To Fuck a Bitch in the Ass.
I was knockin it down with Shoniqua last night, dawg.

Did she let you P in da Butt?

You know it.

get da butt

1. a proclamation of anything good. 2. engaging in sexual congress with an attractive member of the opposite sex.
Yo bobs, get da butt word.




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