

俚语 dave's syndrome

Dave's Syndrome

A syndrome discovered in Black Books Season Two Episode Two. If you reach 88 degrees, you revert to a wild animal state of mind.
Dave's Syndrome: Manny, jumping on top of a car wearing a hot water bottle to cover his junk, with Eat Me written on his chest, after having vandalized an ice cream cart and attacked the owner of such.

Uncle Dave Syndrome (UDS)

The polite way of saying the “r word”. My uncle is crazy and has a tbi so he acts special. When do you something stupid, you say a person has UDS. There are currently 8 patients and no cure.
Bro I can’t believe you stuttered, your Uncle Dave Syndrome (UDS) must be acting up.

Dave Angus Syndrome

"Dave Angus Syndrome" is when a man develops a full pair of breasts often referred to as "moobs" or "Davangus Moobaloids". The condition is more common amongst gingers, and usually brings on bouts of denial, with most sufferers claiming to have "pecs" due to all the "pumping iron"
"Man I woke up this morning with a couple of DD's"

"Damn, I think you must have Dave Angus Syndrome"

Dave Matthews Band Syndrome

Dave Matthews Band Syndrome (D.M.B.S.) is a negative characteristic of something, which is otherwise enjoyable, but you are forced to HATE because said something's fans lack the ability to shut the fuck up about how much they love it.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic suffers from Dave Matthews Band Syndrome. See also The New York Yankees, Metallica, and Harry Potter.




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