A smileyface that can express happiness just like :), but further emphasizes contentment with something achieved, especially proudness of one's own work.
John: Hey, looking forward to spending our evening together! :)
Paul: I just got an award for my new YouTube video! :
Paul: I just got an award for my new YouTube video! :
It's an online symbol that looks like a smiley face
A lot of people use : in aim
A sideways smiley face used over the internet. Used to show happiness.
Boy: Hey :
Girl: What's up? :
Girl: What's up? :
A way cooler smiley face that uses brackets instead of parenthesis.
What's up?
Nothing much, you?
Oh, here just studying.
Cool. :
Nothing much, you?
Oh, here just studying.
Cool. :
emoticon/smiley used instead of ":) or =)" becoming more popular lately. many people are using this : instead of :) because it's just pro like that...
used to show happiness, or if you were talking in person a smile...
commonly used on email, chat, facebook, myspace, twitter, aim, msn, etc.
anyonym: :- showing sadness...
used to show happiness, or if you were talking in person a smile...
commonly used on email, chat, facebook, myspace, twitter, aim, msn, etc.
anyonym: :- showing sadness...
"Heyyyyy long time no see eh:"
"ya we shud hang out sumtime :"
"ya we shud hang out sumtime :"
A smiley used if your a sexual predator
Dude wanna come in my van :?
The shit-eating grin smiley emoticon.
I won gold at the Olympics :