Transliteration of the Japanese alphabet, but without any repeating letters
Teacher: "Do you know a way how the Japanese alphabet can be transliterated?"
Boy: I know: aiueokagakigikugukegekogosazasizisuzusezesozotadatiditudutedetodonaninunenohabapahibipihubupuhebepehobopomamimumemoyayuyorarirurerowawiwewon."
Teacher: Good. And another way?"
Me: "aiueokgsztdnhbpmyrwfjvlcqx."
Teacher: "Great. See here? This transliteration has some extra letters that the Latin Alphabet doesn’t have in common with the Japanese alphabet, but there are letters that the Japanese alphabet does use, and they are F, J and V."
Boy: I know: aiueokagakigikugukegekogosazasizisuzusezesozotadatiditudutedetodonaninunenohabapahibipihubupuhebepehobopomamimumemoyayuyorarirurerowawiwewon."
Teacher: Good. And another way?"
Me: "aiueokgsztdnhbpmyrwfjvlcqx."
Teacher: "Great. See here? This transliteration has some extra letters that the Latin Alphabet doesn’t have in common with the Japanese alphabet, but there are letters that the Japanese alphabet does use, and they are F, J and V."