

俚语 day drinking

Day Drinking

Drinking Alcohol during the day. Usually between 11:30 AM and 6:00 PM. As long as the sun has been up and you've been drinking or your drunk before the sun goes down.
Yo man, Let's go to the beach and do some day drinking before that party tonight!

Day Drinking

the act of drinking on a patio between the hours of noon and 6 , preferably on a Saturday or Sunday.
Danny is day drinking at South Congress Cafe....lets go join her.

day drinking

A version of day dreaming but involving alcohol, drinking during the day and absent from reality for doing it.
"Oh wow! It's already 4pm! I don't know where the time went!"
"Honey, were you day drinking again?"

day after drinking shits

the nasty, extra smelly and sometimes explosive shits that occur following a hefty night of drinking.
TP: "Fuck I really tied one on last night!"
Pete Dick: "How you feel?"
TP: "Other than the day after drinking shits, pretty good."
Pete Dick: "delightful for ya"

day after drinking

Abbreviated d.a.d. these shits are the worst. Simply a day after drinking shit.
Dude last night I drank so muck Miller and now I can feel a d.a.d. coming on. Fuck Day after drinking shits

Black Jewish drinking day

Another drinking holiday invented by the Tonight Show.
Todd Leven brought it to Conan's attention that there was no drinking holiday for jews. As it turns out, Todd didn't drink, so he gave their drinking holiday to the black folk.
Thus, Black Jewish drinking day was born.
October 12th is Black Jewish drinking day.

National under age drinking day

A under age person gets drunk on alcohol
It’s National under age drinking day




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