

俚语 ddb


ddb stands for deaf, dumb, blind.

It is my acronym that I created over 15 years ago.

A homage to Pink Floyd and The Who.
Join ddb's Holiday Camp.


Dumb-dumb bitch, in other words, a very, very stupid girl or woman. A.K.A. "Double-D to the B."
Look at that ddb... I spat on her, now she thinks it's going to rain.


Don't die bro
Listen bro, I know you want to be the next Arnold Schwarzenegger, but remember to start small and don't bite off more than you can chew at the gym, because let's face it, nobody wants to be remembered as the guy who lifted too much and ended up crushed under the weight - ddb, or worse, don't become a gym meme.


dozy daft bastard

this is david burrell's nick name as full name is
david denis burrell

he is a genetic hy-brid of mr bean and norman wisdom
DDB has screwed it up again


A doo doo butt. Also used to describe something difficult.
"Man, that test was a ddb."


"dinky dick baer"... an exclamation used to show that someone has a small penis
ddb! ddb! ddb!


David Down Bad
Girl: Can you do my homework, its only 30000 words
David: sure, anytime for you
Homies: nah DDB




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