

俚语 ddos's


Distributed Denial-Of-Service: Form of electronic attack involving multiple computers, which send repeated HTTP requests or pings to a server to load it down and render it inaccessible for a period of time. Often used by freedom fighters on the Internet, usually attacking the systems of greedy corporations who want to sacrifice YOUR freedom for their profits.
Man, the RIAA got DDOSed again last Saturday! That's the third time this month! Maybe soon we'll have those kidraping fuckers off the 'net for good!


Killing Anonops.
Chippy1337 DDoS'd anonops


A distributed denial of service is an attack on a web server usually executed by a botnet. The most classic and outdated method is by typing in ping www.urbandictionary.com -t -l 65500 in command prompt to send useless noise to UD's server. In theory, if a large enough botnet did this, it would generate enough noise to clog the bandwidth of the server, denying the webservice offered by said server (preventing normal users from accessing the webpage). However, modern DDOS protections filter out said noise, so various scripts and programs will spam the webserver (www.urbandictionary.com) with requests for the html data, achieving the same goal of clogging the bandwidth. A more refined approach is through DNS reflection, in which a DNS server is tricked into using its large bandwidth to send random data from the service that it offers to the target IP. A bad method used by anonymous is the HOIC or LOIC to attack the server directly, it's a bad choice because each member of the attack must consent to said attack through a fancy graphical interface, so you can't have a botnet do it for you.

A DDOS is highly illegal, so don't try this at home kids
Person 1: Dude I have a 5k botnet now, I'm to DDOS the school now
Person 2: Cool! What type of attack are you gonna use?
Person 1: A DNS reflection
Cop: You're under arrest for DDOS


Distributed Denial of Service (see DoS). Similar to DoS except in that it's an attack orchestrated from multiple compromised computers onto one target.
1> Dude, can you log onto DalNET IRC?
2> Naw, their servers are being DDoS'ed to hell.
1> Boo. Bunch of script kiddies and lusers I'm willing to bet.


Distributed Denial of Service Attack (DDoS) Definition. A denial of service (DoS) attack is a malicious attempt to make a server or a network resource unavailable to users, usually by temporarily interrupting or suspending the services of a host connected to the Internet.
Anonymous frequently ddos websites they don't like.


Distributed Denial of Service: the cancer that is (effectively) killing 4chan.
The site is still down due to an ongoing DDoS attack.

Remember kids: DDoS is cruise control for cool.


Dungeons and Dragons Online. An MMORPG loosely based on the popular pen and paper game by the same name. Eerily similar to other MMORPG's like WOW, DDO disappointed many with a premature launch and a hefty monthly subscription. Early reviews of the game were mixed, with playability affected by multiple crashes, unreliable updates, and unpredictable down times. Very laggy gameplay with almost un-playable delays lasted for several months. The single player experience did not materialize as advertised. The gameplay itself tho is versatile and balanced. Game exploits, or overutilization of game flaws for gain, are usually nixed by the developers with the next game update, or patch. Game graphics and sound effects are good/excellent for a large MMORPG. The HUD is very customizable and instinctive. Game AI is fair, but tracking leaves something to be desired. A disembodied voice anounces a few obvious details at the beginning of a few quests, obviously a thwarted and irritating attempt to simulate a dungeon master. Character development and progression is well done, following the general outlines of the pen and paper game. In-game progression though, was capped at a low level, as again, the rush to production did not allow the developers to flesh out the mid/upper levels of game play.

Overall a good MMORPG, with excellent visual and auditory experiences and good gameplay, but hurt by a premature launch and a laggy game experience, despite a hefty monthly price tag.
That new game, DDO, rocks on my new computer!




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