

俚语 dead beat daddy

dead beat daddy

A dad that is a dead beat
Man, that husband is one dead beat daddy

dead beat baby daddy

loser, sperm donor, jerk who doesnt pay child supprt, still lives with mother, does not work..
i wanted to buy my son a new dresser, but my dead beat baby daddy hasnt paid no money for child support in a year and im deadddd broke!!! aint got no money for extra crap

Dead beat baby daddy

The guy you were with but he cheats on you while youre pregnant, and now doesnt buy anything for your child, and only cares about his new girlfriend. He can't get or keep a job because he is a lazy pos. He treated you like shit most of your relationship and now he is treating you even worse cause he knows you can't beat his ass or his new skanky girlfriends while your pregnant.
"Did you hear what trevor did, he cheated on hannah" "no way what a dead beat baby daddy

dead beat baby daddy

loser, sperm donor, jerk who doesnt pay child supprt, still lives with mother, does not work..
i wanted to buy my son a new dresser, but my dead beat baby daddy hasnt paid no money for child support in a year and im deadddd broke!!! aint got no money for extra crap

Dead Beat Baby Daddy

Someone that doesn't pay child support or see his kids. Someone that can go fuck themselves!
Eric Chavera is a dead beat baby daddy!




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更新时间:2024/9/21 3:35:48