A GunShY trainer made for DFLW Demo where player have ability to walk around while he's dead.
- In multiplayer, once player was killed by another player, you have ability to walk around dead but other players can't see you however your gun is almost ineffective but knife works perfectly.
- In multiplayer, once player was killed by another player, you have ability to walk around dead but other players can't see you however your gun is almost ineffective but knife works perfectly.
- Mƒxo: Cre566 is cheating.
- Rock101: Probably using Deadknife...
- Guf(Host): Too bad cheater won't last long I'll ban him.
- Cre566: Too bad with SD/EE you'll never catch me.
- Guf(Host): Damn he left so fast.
- Rock101: Probably using Deadknife...
- Guf(Host): Too bad cheater won't last long I'll ban him.
- Cre566: Too bad with SD/EE you'll never catch me.
- Guf(Host): Damn he left so fast.