

俚语 death giant

death giant

1) verb. To nearly fuck something up entirely through sheer mediocrity.
2) interjection. A phrase uttered by the woefully sub-par.
3) noun. A pointless, uncostumed crunchy effected by silver for no readily appearant reason.
"No, you're not."

Giant Death-Ray In The Backyard

2)to have a GDRITBY: to be bored,
3)to build a GDRITBY, to kill time,
4)to be a GDRITBY, to be an amusing waste of time, an easy ride, or a complete wank.
(it is considered a faux-pass to specify possesion of the backyard in question)
Of Washington D.C./VA/MD (USA) regional origin, generaly thought to have been inspired by an episode of Myth-Busters, and; or the ramblings of a random meth-head who works in a drivethru.
"What are you doing Friday?"
"Not much, just building a giant death-ray in the backyard."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 9:44:49