Dec bay
1# ridiculous
3#DEC( good enought to nail sober)
dec a defination of decent ..or GOOD ....better then DEC
..or a sign my buddy stole ..Regina .sk
".closet to dec.. so it makes it better then "dec"
1# ridiculous
3#DEC( good enought to nail sober)
dec a defination of decent ..or GOOD ....better then DEC
..or a sign my buddy stole ..Regina .sk
".closet to dec.. so it makes it better then "dec"
wow that girl is DEC BAY
yeah .. i'm Dec bay, drunk!!!
man that girl is "dec bay" not dec
shit ya man these chicken wings are "DEC BAY"
yeah .. i'm Dec bay, drunk!!!
man that girl is "dec bay" not dec
shit ya man these chicken wings are "DEC BAY"