Misleading or obscuring the truth by means of cunning concealment
He being the last and most important decoy, the magician's deceivious plan to burglarize the family's house under the guise of a simple children's magic birthday party was finally underway.
The combination of the words "devious" and "deceitful”; an extremely cunning and underhanded individual.
“She’s so deceivious---her husband and her boyfriend are both at this party, and neither has a clue about the other!”
One who who is deceiving and deviant at the same moment.
Tina has been deceiviant through this divorce..
Sunglasses worn by an otherwise unattractive young lady which deceptively hide an unappealing face.
"Dude, did you see that girl at the beach in front of us?"
"DID YOU?!?! Total deceiviators situation, bro."
"DID YOU?!?! Total deceiviators situation, bro."