

俚语 dedham


Dedham is a historical mainly Irish-Catholic suburb, slightly south of Boston, which prides itself on its major events such as the cow poop day and the flag day parade and on historical sites such as the fairbanks house and the endicott estate. It's nicknamed the Dirty D for it's ghettoness in areas such as ED and the manor. It really only has one nice area and that would be Precinct 1, the rest of Dedham is lower to middle class esque. And also lest us not forget the famous townies who have inhibited Dedham for years and don't plan on going anywhere.
You're from Dedham, wow that's tough


A town located on the south-west border of Boston. It was incorporated in 1636. The town's original name was to be 'Contentment', but was rejected so that it may reflect a town in England which many of the settlers were from. It's home to the first tax-payer funded public school and the oldest wooden-framed house in America.It's residents range from middle class, to UMC. It's mainly a blue collar town and low-income families in the town is a relatively low %.Though most of the kids in the public schools are retards that wear flat rimmed hats, hate their parents, smoke weed, and listen to ICP, it still manages to suck just as bad as any other suburb.The other side of the spectrum includes soccer moms, football dads, perverts (see football dads) and people who think they're from Westwood. Dedham is an overall aesthetically pleasing place to live, but you have to not get sucked into it's backward-assed politics which strive to bury the rich history of the town and make a mockery of us all.
It's a commercial-cesspool now, paying little or no attention or support for the local business owner.If you're not from Dedham, and you live in a higher income community around it, check out LEGACY PLACE on rt.1. You can ask the towns residents how they feel about living there..However, you might want to wait until their break,because none of them are there to shop, earning $9 and feel sucky about their superficial town.
Dedham does ALRIGHT.At least we have a town square and not a Wal-Mart.
Wow, Dedham used to have a rich history and has produced a lot of influential people in the last hundred years....To bad the sell out generation runs it now.



Dedham a hell of a place to be where all the druggies hang out in the pits, ED,

condon park etc. smoke weed and drink because they think they're cool. The worst

part of dedham is East Dedham where they all roam in section 3 because their

parents where drop outs and pot heads and can't hold a decent job so they get

their checks in the mail from Obama and tax payers. They own the hall way of

dedham high, the E wing where they are in the lowest level possible classes any

human could be in they learn simple math and reading which a 4th grader can do

but they can't because they're to busy smoking weed in the bathrooms and getting

suspended. They bring in their stupid dunkies everyday because they're monrons

and just sit there and drink the coffee talk about younger girls and fail

classes. After school they go and smoke more pot and I don't even know how these

dead beat drop outs get their money they probably steal it from their

grandparents who are ashamed to be related to them. They thin

k they're the tuffet kids but yet they couldn't survive a day in Detroit. Their

famous line is "Ill bash you bro" I feel bad for these soon to be inmates.

dedham dunkies dedham high dedham middle school druggies pot heads ED
dedham sucks because they're weak


A town on the outskirts of Boston where people like to pretend that they are ghetto, but it doesn't really work because they are all white. Although, there are lots of minorities moving in in the recent years but the hardcore Dedham residents are racist and hate this movement. The Dedham Pool is the most ghetto place ever. There are rats in the water and massive insects lurking near the kickboards. The phones don't even work and everyone that swims there is poor and can't afford the Dedham Health and Atheltic Complex. Therefore, all the black kids and white kids fight and throw each other off of the diving boards screaming racist comments and the lifeguards don't do anything because they are sleeping or making gimp bracelets. However, all the people that work there are wicked hot, so even though you have to wear a gas mask, it's worth it. Dedham High School sports are pretty good but that's all they have going for them. Anyone who doesn't play a sport can plan on working at the local gas station for the rest of their lives especially since only 1% of high school kids in Dedham don't smoke weed. Nobles is the only thing Dedham can be proud of. Also nicknamed the "Dirty D"
Yo man don't get all up in my grill, I could kick your ass, I'm from Dedham


The sorriest excuse for a town. The town which holds the biggest pussies in all of Massachusetts. This town couldn't beat any other place in a fight. The kids who live in Dedham know their town isn't tough but they don't do anything to help it because their pussies. Dedham kids even pussied out to westwood kids which proves Dedham holds the squad with the most pussies. All dedham kids do is talk shit because they know they'd get fucked up if they ever showed up in West Roxbury. Dedham kids don't even drink or burn.WHAT PUSSIES.
Joe: Yo you going to that fight in Dedham between the West Roxbury kid and Dedham kid
Fred: Na the dedham kids are pussies they wouldn't show up.
(1 hour later)
Fred: How was the fight?
Joe: Nothing happend we were at Condon field for about an hour and they didn't show up.


A town on the outskirts of Boston where people like to pretend that they are ghetto, but it doesn't really work because they are all white. Although, there are lots of minorities moving in in the recent years but the hardcore Dedham residents are racist and hate this movement. The Dedham Pool is the most ghetto place ever. There are rats in the water and massive insects lurking near the kickboards. The phones don't even work and everyone that swims there is poor and can't afford the Dedham Health and Atheltic Complex. Therefore, all the black kids and white kids fight and throw each other off of the diving boards screaming racist comments and the lifeguards don't do anything because they are sleeping or making gimp bracelets. However, all the people that work there are wicked hot, so even though you have to wear a gas mask, it's worth it. Dedham High School sports are pretty good but that's all they have going for them. Anyone who doesn't play a sport can plan on working at the local gas station for the rest of their lives especially since only 1% of high school kids in Dedham don't smoke weed. Nobles is the only thing Dedham can be proud of. Also nicknamed the "Dirty D"
Yo man don't get all up in my grill, I could kick your ass, I'm from Dedham


A town on the outskirts of Boston where people like to pretend that they are ghetto, but it doesn't really work because they are all white. Although, there are lots of minorities moving in in the recent years but the hardcore Dedham residents are racist and hate this movement. The Dedham Pool is the most ghetto place ever. There are rats in the water and massive insects lurking near the kickboards. The phones don't even work and everyone that swims there is poor and can't afford the Dedham Health and Atheltic Complex. Therefore, all the black kids and white kids fight and throw each other off of the diving boards screaming racist comments and the lifeguards don't do anything because they are sleeping or making gimp bracelets. However, all the people that work there are wicked hot, so even though you have to wear a gas mask, it's worth it. Dedham High School sports are pretty good but that's all they have going for them. Anyone who doesn't play a sport can plan on working at the local gas station for the rest of their lives especially since only 1% of high school kids in Dedham don't smoke weed. Nobles is the only thing Dedham can be proud of. Also nicknamed the "Dirty D"
Yo man don't get all up in my grill, I could kick your ass, I'm from Dedham




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