

俚语 deepwater horizon anal fissure event

Deepwater Horizon Anal Fissure Event

While conducting anal sex, the pressure buildup of digestive gasses are much stronger than the inserted object's (penis, butt plug, baseball bat, etc.) friction seal and increased so much from the repeated pumping and agitation, that it causes an outwardly explosion of digested mass - typically diarrhea and gasses - all over the anal sex participant and surrounding surfaces; evocating a similar result likened to Deepwater Horizon.
Yo man, I took Mary to Taco Bell last night then back to my place for some loving. We tried anal for the first time and idk wtf happened but one second she said "uh oh" and the next second her anus exploded multiple streams of diarrhea all over me, the bed, floor and dog - I don't know what else to call it other than a Deepwater Horizon Anal Fissure Event.




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