

俚语 defen


when you pull something stupid, idiotic or retarded and its a major fuck up
friend 1: oh fuck that’s not my food i accidentally take wrong
friend 2: oh you defen-ed


Someone who has a really strong opinion about something, believing that their opinion is the only right one.

The most common type of defener listens to nothing but classic rock, thinking modern music is the worst thing to happen to the world since the Holocaust. Defeners will often say that they feel like they were born in the wrong generation.
Defener: I'm only 12 years old, but I listen to REAL music such as The Beatles and Queen! All of my stupid classmates listen to shit "music" such as Kanye 'gay fish' West or Lil GAYne!! I was born in the wrong generation...




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更新时间:2024/9/20 13:56:38