

俚语 degay


300 lb. man living in parents house, doesn't know the basics of Windows OS.
That guy over there is degay, it is very sad


A task a gay man or lesbian may perform prior to a visit to their home by family members and/or people they aren't completely out to. It may involve hiding porn, group pictures of oneself with a dozen shirtless friends drinking margaritas in a pool, pictures of oneself in drag, more porn, glittery holiday cards with sexually suggestive notes written inside, issues of OUT magazine and, occasionally, ones current boyfriend or girlfriend.
I can't meet you for drinks tonight Jason, half my family is coming for Christmas and it's gonna take me two days to degay this place.


When an individual believing they are a homosexual has intercourse with the opposite sex and realizes they are in fact straight.
Queenskank believed themself to be a homosexual but was degayed by a close friend of the opposite sex.


there can only be one degay
in a relationship with ken35265
1: "Yo bro I saw degay hanging out with ken35265. I think they're gay."
2: "No shit sherlock."




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更新时间:2024/9/20 6:13:09