

俚语 delectable


Awesome in taste, Suculant in flavor to have no other greater joy while eating.
This Strawberry Cheesecake is delectable, the best I have ever had.


When something is delicious so, so, so, delicious That it's actually not delicious and it's now delectable
big sis- here
lil sis- what's this?
big sis- a frapuccino
lil sis- *takes a sip
Lil sis-...
big sis-...
lil sis- Delectable.


This word has several meanings. I'll elaborate.

1. It most often means pleasing to the taste. As in, 'Wow, honey. This meat loaf is positively delectable!' Sometimes this is shortened to simply 'Delect.' The meaning stays the same. As in, 'Wow, Michelle! These cookies are delect!'

2. Delectable can also mean very good, cool, awesome, sweet, kickass, sick, groovy, etc etc. Basically, an expression of goodness. Example. Trey:'Dude, Vire, I just pwned some noobs!' Vire:'Delectable!' Also, this can, and is often used in a sarcastic way. For example... Ryan:'Hah, dude. I just kicked your ass.' JL:'Delect, Ry.'
1. 'This seaweed salad is absoloutely delectable, Michelle!' 'Dude, your dad makes a delect fondu.' 'I don't know what I would do without my delectable energy drinks..'

2. 'You look positively delectable this evening, dudette.' 'This rocket launcher is fuckin' delect, man!' 'Delectable ride, bro.'


1. Greatly pleasing to the tastes

2. A player in the online 2d spaceship game, Continuum; Real name: Brad Williams; Notorious for being banned (and evading bans) for repeatedly cheating and offending staff in the zone, SSCU Trench Wars; One-time TWLB Champion as "rushed" on the squad Light; has also led several Subspace squads, most notably Task, Drastic, Divine, and Value
My taste buds enjoyed the delectable sandwich.

Delectable (3) was killed by: Mattey


This is when a person delights or is greatly pleased by something.
could also mean zest.
e.g They engaged in the Free for All fight in the house with such delectation.


highly pleasuring or delightful, esp. to the taste
Red's brother looks as delectable as strawberries.


to be grateful and humble, "Delected".

to stay delected is to stay meaningful, true, humble, grateful etc.
"I just received my football scholarship, all my mama gotta do now is stay delected and smile"




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