delete fortnite
The act of making room for better games. (I.e. Quake 3, Titanfall 2 Team fortress 2, Halo, Hearts of Iron, Dark Souls)
The act of lowering the virginity shields.
The act of "giting gud"
The act of casting away Sin
The act of making room for better games. (I.e. Quake 3, Titanfall 2 Team fortress 2, Halo, Hearts of Iron, Dark Souls)
The act of lowering the virginity shields.
The act of "giting gud"
The act of casting away Sin
Kid/Person without taste/Fortnite player: how do I get good at games/romace?
Adult/Person of taste: Delete Fortnite, thats it, thats all you need to do.
Adult/Person of taste: Delete Fortnite, thats it, thats all you need to do.
delete fortnite
The act of getting a girlfriend
Frined 2: delete fortnite
Friend 1: I deleted fortnite
Friend 2: Good Job. What is her name?
Friend 1: I deleted fortnite
Friend 2: Good Job. What is her name?
delete fortnite
something that is illegal
" i delete fortnite. " says stupid dood, i say punch u suk
Deleting Fortnite
When Little Timmy deletes Fortnite cause he lost the epic vic-roy.
little timmy is Deleting Fortnite but first he grabs his dads shotgun and preforms a nikolas cruz