

俚语 delphies


A slang term used to address the "Delphin" boot from Royal Elastics.
Tim: "Yo dude, check out my new delphies!"
Me: "Man those are tight!"

Tim: "Got a new pair of Delphs!"


A beautiful girl who often doubts herself. Doesn't accept compliments well but gets a lot of them. She is undeniably funny, pretty and amazing.
Me: I just old her she was pretty but she says she isn't.
Person: She's such a Delphi.
Me: funny, that's her name!


The most loving and beautiful girl you will ever meet
Delphi is just the best


A powerful, underrated, programming language and RAD IDE produced by Borland. Delphi is not as popular in the US as it is in Europe and Japan, but its users know what a valuable development tool it really is.

Delphi was first released in 1995. The current version of Delphi is Delphi 2005.
Unlike Visual Basic, Delphi does not require a programmer to ship their application with runtime DLLs.


1. in ancient Greek history, the residence of Apollo's oracle-- The Oracle at Delphi
2. the place where Socrates's friend was told that Socrates was the wisest man alive
3. also known to familiars as "The Delphi;" an abbreviation of the god-forsaken Arkadelphia, AR-- Less likely to receive the incredulous "huh" from non-Arkansans.
There's really a place called Arkadelphia?


the shit. a select group of girls. so drop dead gorgeous that you will never be one. partiers. half the time don't speak english. normally half naked, pole dancin, show stomping, hell raising good times. if you're not dating one... raise your standards.

Here's to..the shit we talk, the guys we stalk, the way we shop, the laughs we can't stop, the gossip we spill, the looks that could kill, to havin' each other's backs, next morning gettin' the facts, to downin' beers, and spillin' tears, we'll stay together through the years....
wow you hooked up with a delphi? are you a frater?

clickedy clackidy... a delphi in stilletos walked by


A one of a kind person that will never meet anyone else with the same name. Perpetually running the risk of having their name spelled incorrectly by every single person that will ever come across them.
Your name's Delphy? D-E-L-P-H-I?




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更新时间:2024/9/21 4:21:21