(Dehm-ith-eyez): noun.
An expression of something partway between sympathy and empathy; demithy is characterized by a type of empathy that comes not from incredibly similar situations one can draw from, but rather from situations in a similar derivative vein to the situation being demithized with.
An expression of something partway between sympathy and empathy; demithy is characterized by a type of empathy that comes not from incredibly similar situations one can draw from, but rather from situations in a similar derivative vein to the situation being demithized with.
Sen: I wish I could empathize with his car crash, but I've never had a car crash!
Den: Then ask your brother about the time he got mugged at gunpoint, so you can Demithize.
Den: Then ask your brother about the time he got mugged at gunpoint, so you can Demithize.