Democratic Underground
A Democratic party supporter's website that is a gathering place for politics obsessed misanthropes who seethe with impotent rage at their complete lack of power and control over the American people. The poster's at Democratic Underground all seem to be bourgeois lefty political groper's in various stages of mental illness. Paranoia reigns supreme there, as does self-loathing, hatred of people in general, a strident belief in complex conspiracies which dominate and thwart them at every turn, and a desperate need to believe that all of their problems in life are somebody else's fault.
"I can't function in life because Chimpy McFlightsuit, Darth Cheney, KKKarl Rove, Halliburton, Bectel, the KBR death camps, Diebold, Blackwater, LIHOP, MIHOP, chem-trails, Fitzmas, Scooter Libby, and the Pentagon's hurricane and earthquake machine ruined my life... so I might as well hang out here at Democratic Underground."
Democratic Underground
An online forum exclusively for members of the U.S. Democratic Party and those from the "left" side of the U.S. political spectrum. In the absence of outside conflict or critique, the forum isn't so much a place to develop political and philsophical savvy as much as simply a "hang out" spot to belittle conservatives, trumpet the successes of Democratic officials and candidates, and to serve as a social spot for like-minded people.
George W. Bush angers me! I'm going on Democratic Underground to vent and have fun.
Democratic Underground
A web-based forum/community with but one goal: overthrowing the American Republic and replacing it with a communist dictatorship.
DU is the web-based forum/community for the US communist party without actually calling itself communist. Being or liking a mainstream democrat like Joe Lieberman is not allowed on DU.
You are only allowed to post if you are at least as leftist as Karl Marx.
DU is the web-based forum/community for the US communist party without actually calling itself communist. Being or liking a mainstream democrat like Joe Lieberman is not allowed on DU.
You are only allowed to post if you are at least as leftist as Karl Marx.
Democratic Underground wants a US communist state so that all opponents of the communists (republicans, conservatives, moderates, independents, mainstream democrats) can be put in gulags or simply shot.
DU worships Lenin, Castro, Chavez, Saddam and any nutcase willing to say the words: I hate the US (or alternatively: I hate Bush).
DU worships Lenin, Castro, Chavez, Saddam and any nutcase willing to say the words: I hate the US (or alternatively: I hate Bush).
Democratic Underground
A site for open minded Progressives against Right Wing fascism to communicate and ban and delete any post that they disagree with.
The rich White teenagers who post there are promoters of Social Justice.
Vast arguments are welcome. For example: Someone who is for total government gun control debating someone who is for strict licensing, back ground checks, and restriction on sales of weapons that are considered "Too dangerous," is considered a clash of opposing opinions.
See also: Irony.
The rich White teenagers who post there are promoters of Social Justice.
Vast arguments are welcome. For example: Someone who is for total government gun control debating someone who is for strict licensing, back ground checks, and restriction on sales of weapons that are considered "Too dangerous," is considered a clash of opposing opinions.
See also: Irony.
I would debate a Protest Warrior, but my arguments get destroyed so I went to my insulated echo chamber, the Democratic Underground.
Democratic Underground
1. online rallying center for assorted liberals, progressives and left-leaning independents that are fed up with the Democratic Party's right-wing tilt - and prove it by campaigning for right-wing candidates like Al Gore, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton<br>
2. a wet dream for Seattle's liberal peace pussies, who prefer to rant about a problem rather than lift a finger to fix it
3. hypocritical online forum that criticizes Republican corruption while ignoring the sins of the National Education Association, which supports the corrupt Democratic Party
2. a wet dream for Seattle's liberal peace pussies, who prefer to rant about a problem rather than lift a finger to fix it
3. hypocritical online forum that criticizes Republican corruption while ignoring the sins of the National Education Association, which supports the corrupt Democratic Party
Democratic Underground is a great place to keep up on current events and pick up some cool political nicknames, insults or one-liners. Now if I could just find a collection of armchair politicians who are interested in fixing a problem or two...
Democratic Underground
An online political message board. Supposedly intended for liberals, it's home to nearly as many conservative disruptors as members of its target audience. In the case of the Gun Control and Right to Keep and Bear Arms forum, it's home to many MORE disruptors than genuine members. Some of these trolls last for years accumulating literally tens of thousands of posts before they are banned. Note that I specified 'banned' instead of 'detected', as the troublemakers are usually recognized as such far before they are eliminated. And for every slackmaster, dfk or jody that eventually gets tombstoned, there's a hack89, Lurks Often, or Far Center that remains.
The reason for this lax approach to enemies is not easy to discern. Perhaps there is some benefit (site traffic) to the owners in keeping around those who stir the pot. Ironically, in maintaining a liberal board where conservatives are tolerated, the website resembles an open forum whose members are nearly equal divided between the two sides. Which says a lot about the state of political discourse on the Internet.
The reason for this lax approach to enemies is not easy to discern. Perhaps there is some benefit (site traffic) to the owners in keeping around those who stir the pot. Ironically, in maintaining a liberal board where conservatives are tolerated, the website resembles an open forum whose members are nearly equal divided between the two sides. Which says a lot about the state of political discourse on the Internet.
Jimbo, I've been posting on Democratic Underground for ten years, and they haven't eliminated me yet!
Democratic Underground
A message board for racist white elitists to pretend to be "progressive" when in all actuality they're further to the left than Reagan.
"Did you see what George II posted on Democratic Underground about African Americans and voting rights"
"Did you see Brooklynite brag about being rich for the 300th time and then make a thread supporting trickle down economics"
"Did you see Brooklynite brag about being rich for the 300th time and then make a thread supporting trickle down economics"